Our desire at Liberty Church is to know God and make Him known. Our prayer is that men and women from all walks of life might know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
Our ministries aim to train, care for, and serve the people within the fellowship.
We stand uncompromisingly on the unchanging Word of God (the Bible). It is our desire to offer many opportunities to study the Bible as our Christian growth depends on our becoming doers of the Word of God.
We are an evangelistic oriented church and a missionary church with over 20% of our budget devoted to Missions.
We acknowledge that the Bible is the only infallible (trustworthy) Word of God and that all people of every race are made in the image of the Triune God, and that all people without exception are in need of being reconciled to God through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ and through His work alone for salvation.
The purpose, therefore, of Liberty Church is: to worship, praise and enjoy the Lord our God, our Creator and Redeemer through the faithful proclamation of the whole counsel of God and the proper administration of the sacraments (Baptism and the Lord’s Supper). We endeavor to share the good news of Christ in our community and world; to disciple the converts; to equip the people of God for service in His church and world; to minister in the name of Christ to emotional and spiritual needs of others; to train and teach our covenant children; and to build up one another in faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.
To this purpose we do hereby covenant ourselves to the glory of God and for the peace and purity of the church.
On April 29th, 1969 Liberty Reformed Presbyterian Church held it’s first worship service in the Maryland National Bank hall under the leadership of the Reverend William Kerwin. The new church was beginning from scratch. There were no by-laws and therefore no session or board of deacons. However, the congregation was excited about the new church. Committees were formed and the work began. From the beginning it was evident that the church could not continue to meet in a community hall and needed a more permanent home. When the barn and farmland we presently occupy became available, a deposit was made. Even though the church had a budget committee, there was no money saved for a building. People realized they would have to use their personal savings to build this church.
Future home of Liberty Church
Resources were pulled together, bonds purchased and an architect drew up plans for the building. Soon work began. The men of the church and their families worked evenings after their regular jobs and all day on Saturday. Christmas Eve, 1969, arrived and a church service was held in the not-yet-finished sanctuary. Temporary lights were put up for the service and the chairs on loan had to be back by midnight. But it was exciting to have a service in the “Barn.” The first service in the finished church was on Mother’s Day, 1970.
The Lord continued to bless the church as membership increased and the ministries of evangelism, discipleship and missions grew and flourished. As the church grew, more room was needed, and in 1975 construction began on a new sanctuary. That same year Rev. Dr. Mark Pett was installed as the second pastor of Liberty. It was at this time that the church’s vision was expanded to include pastoral communities and the formation of five daughter churches.
Mark and many Elders also had a vision for a Christian School to serve the needs of the covenant children and in 1980 Liberty Christian School was started in the lower level of the church with a Pre-K and Kindergarten program. As the school grew, more facilities were needed and a portable building was restored on the property enabling Liberty Christian School to expand to 8th grade.
More recently, in order to reflect our association with the Presbyterian Church in America, our name was changed to Liberty Church, PCA.