Pioneer Girls meets on Tuesday evenings 6–7pm, September through May in the Liberty Church Fellowship Hall.

Pioneer Girls offers girls, Kindergarten through 7th grade, a church-sponsored activity that provides an effective and educationally sound program to help them follow Christ in every aspect of life. We are committed to carrying out Liberty Church PCA’s vision to praise God, connect with His people, and advance His kingdom.

We seek to praise God through the study of His Word and prayer. Each meeting is memorable and, like our Creator, full of variety. One week our girls are learning skills such as cooking or sewing, and the next they are exercising to keep fit, learning how to honor their parents, and serving others. In everything, God is honored and extolled.

They make new friends, learn new skills, and discover what God’s Word means in their lives. This fosters the right environment for developing healthy relationships and uniting with peers, Christian adults, and most importantly, Jesus Christ.

We seek to advance God’s kingdom by exploring the Bible and memorizing Scripture, which allows God’s Word to reach deep into the hearts of our girls. Badges are earned as a variety of biblically-based life-application skills are learned. This combination plants the seeds of lifelong spiritual transformation in the hearts of our daughters.

Please keep our girls and club leaders in your prayers as the saving message of the gospel is brought through the activities of Pioneer Girls.

Brianna Luff