Music in Worship

Our church strives to worship in spirit and in truth, utilizing various musical styles that give glory to God, while reaching out and ministering to all in the congregation.

We have a blended worship service that mixes contemporary scripture songs and praise choruses with traditional hymns. To read more on Liberty’s philosophy of music in worship, please see the brochure found here:

Download Liberty’s Philosophy of Music in Worship


Liberty Church’s adult choir sings many Sundays during the worship service.

Choir practice is held on Wednesdays at 7:00 PM in the main sanctuary during the fall, winter, and spring seasons.

Spaces are available for all vocal parts, so if you like to sing, come join the fun of serving the Lord.

Praise Team

Musicians and singers lead the congregation in song many Sundays during the worship service. Rehearsal times vary. Contact a Praise Team member to get involved.

Children’s Choir

Liberty’s Children’s Choir sings occasionally during the worship service and in concerts. Rehearsals are held some Sundays after the worship service.