April 10 Update from Pastor Nathan


Dear Liberty Church,

Happy Easter Weekend!

Around the world, churches are celebrating Holy Week in a quite unusual manner, and in a way that they never have before. These unprecedented times, however, do not change the importance of what this week symbolizes. Arguably the greatest weekend in the history of the world, not one, but TWO events took place in the span of three days to forever change the course of history and eternity: Jesus was crucified, and Jesus rose from the grave. Both of these events had to take place for us to be saved.

In His crucifixion, Christ the Son of God became for us the power of God unto salvation (1 Corinthains 1:23-24). In His resurrection, Christ was declared the Son of God in power (Romans 1:4). For believers in Christ, God gave us the power to believe, a power just like that which He “worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead” (Ephesians 1:19).

Do you notice a common theme here?If I could sum Easter in just one word, it would be this: POWER.

We must never forget who holds the power in this world. We need not look to medicine or to government or live-steaming worship services; none of these hold true power. Power is found in Christ alone. It is He who sits upon the throne, governing the peoples and healing the nations. No matter how Easter is celebrated this week, Christ reigns in absolute and undiminished power and glory. And when we unite with Christ, we share in His power! You are not just witnesses to Christ; you are in Christ, and of Christ, and with Christ! That means that we have been crucified with Him (Galatians 2:20). That means that have been raised with Him (Colossians 3:1). That means that He lives in us (Romans 8:10). And that means we live in Him. Let us rejoice powerfully this weekend, and humbly, knowing that this power is not of our own doing, but it belongs to, and is given by, Christ, our resurrected Lord and Savior.

Yours in Christ,

Pastor Nathan

This Holy Week, we are continuing our worship services on Sunday morning and evening. Liberty Church will not be conducting a Tenebrae or Good Friday service, but I encourage you to find a church online that does. Here are a few good options: https://christcovenant.org https://sachapel.com