Update from Session Concerning Masks


Dear Beloved Members of Liberty,

The session met on 5/18 and hereby informs the congregation that masks and social distancing are no longer required at Liberty Church PCA. Nevertheless, Liberty Church fully supports anyone who still desires to wear a mask. The session would like to provide the following additional information, so members know what to expect:

Some changes as follows:

  • Hymnals will be available to the congregation (in pews and chairs), but the words to hymns will also be printed in the bulletin.
  • The ribbons will be removed from the pews in the main sanctuary, so that all pews will be available for seating.
  • Windows will no longer be opened, but will remain closed to provide for better climate control in the sanctuary.
  • Members will no longer be dismissed by rows at the end of the service.

A few things that will not change:

  • Liberty will continue to use offering lock-boxes to collect the offering, and will not pass the offering plate at this time.
  • For communion, we will continue to use the prepackaged communion wafers and juice, as we have been doing, — until further notice.
  • For now, the chairs/rows in the old sanctuary will remain as currently configured, to provide additional space between rows, for those who may prefer this option.

We hope this information is helpful. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to your shepherding elder.

By His Grace and with His love,
The Session of Liberty Church