Maundy Thursday Service, March 29 7:00 PM
Christ in the Passover and Celebration of the Lord’s Supper
Chaim Ministries will be presenting the meaning of the Passover and how it is fulfilled in Jesus, our Messiah. This special presentation will be followed by the celebration of the Lord’s Supper. A love offering will be taken during the presentation to support the ministry of Chaim which is a PCA endorsed ministry to the Jewish community. If you wish to contribute to the offering, please make your check out to Rev. Rick Anderson
Sunday, April 1 Easter Breakfast and Easter Egg Hunt 9:00 AM
We want to encourage our young families and also reach out to the community so as part of our annual Easter Breakfast we will be having a special Easter Egg Hunt for children pre-school through elementary school which our youth ministry will be helping with as a service project. The Easter Egg Hunt will be start around 9:30 AM and will be held, weather permitting, around the school yard. Our youth will be setting up the area and hiding the eggs and escorting the children as they go on the hunt. There may even be some special eggs hidden that will be a surprise! If the weather is not conducive for an outdoor hunt we will have it in part of the gym. Details are still in the works but here is what you need to know for now:
• Plan on coming and inviting family and friends to the breakfast and the service afterwards. Our Easter service will be at the same time, 10:45 am and will be an excellent opportunity for your unchurched family and friends to hear the Gospel. Next week, we will have invitations available for you to use to invite others. Just let us know how many to expect when you sign up for the Breakfast in the coming weeks. You will need to include the number of children expected as well.
• Donate candy to stuff the plastic eggs. Baskets will be available at each of the church exits to drop off candy – please, no candy containing nuts or peanuts. The donated candy should be able to fit in a plastic Easter egg (which the Pioneer Girls will be filling as one of their projects). Also note: Pastor Barry prefers dark chocolate over milk chocolate…just sayin’.
• Sign up to bring a baked good or egg casserole or orange or apple juice and condiments (jelly, cream cheese, etc). The church will provide paper goods. Helpers would also be much needed to help set up and decorate tables, and clean up. Contact Pastor Barry or Margaret if you would like to help. Depending on the number who sign up, the breakfast will be either in Fellowship Hall or in the School Family Center aka the gym.
• Most importantly pray that the Lord will bless us with good weather, excellent attendance and an effective outreach!
Also note: As the first Sunday of the month is Easter Sunday, we will not be celebrating the Lord’s Supper on April 1st, but instead, you will be able to have communion at the Maundy Thursday service so please plan to come and celebrate the Lord’s Supper with us as a conclusion to a moving and meaningful Seder presentation by Chaim ministries.