Congregational Meeting July 16


The Session of Liberty Church PCA is calling a Congregation Meeting on July 16th, 2023 for the stated purpose of electing her new Senior Pastor. The meeting will take place approximately one hour after the end of the morning worship service. Pastor Aaron Lira will be giving his candidating sermon that morning so we highly encourage you to come out and hear him preach but also stay to participate in what is arguably the most important vote a congregant can make; election of her new Senior Pastor. The Session is unanimous in recommending the Pulpit Search Committee’s candidate (who were also unanimous in their pick!). Please bring food with you or anything that will assist you with the time we will be spending at church that Sunday. We anticipate the meeting (which will include Pastor Lira addressing the congregation and a brief time of Q&A) to end by 3pm.

There will be a time on Saturday the 15th in the afternoon, from two o’clock to four o’clock, in the “Old Sanctuary” for those who would like to meet and greet Pastor Lira before the congregation meeting on Sunday. We highly encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to meet him. There will be light refreshments and snacks also.