News & Announcements

Thanksgiving Eve Service 11/24 @ 6:30pm

A Thanksgiving Eve service will be held on Wednesday, November 24th at 6:30pm. This will be an uplifting service of praise and thanksgiving for all of God’s blessings. (In an effort to include all ages in this time of giving thanks, there will be no official childcare. The Nursery and…

LCS Fundraiser

LCS is selling Gift Cards for the Christmas season. Not sure what to get that special someone? Need a gift card that’s hard to find? Look no further! Complete the order form on the back table with the Scrip Payment Summary page and submit with your payment of cash or…

Livestream Women’s Event – Revive 2021

The storms of our age are taking a toll. In the midst of this tumultuous season, you need to get grounded. Enter the Revive ’21 Conference, Grounded: Standing Firm in a Shaking World. Through worship, prayer, and messages, you’ll be challenged to get grounded:  In Christ In the gospel In…

Form to Nominate People for the Pulpit Search Committee

Nominations for the Pulpit Search Committee shall be submitted using only the supplied form and shall be submitted by hand or email to the church office, no later than September 14, 2021. No nominees will be considered after that date. Download the Nomination Form

2021 Labor Day Picnic—September 6th

The traditional Labor Day Picnic is planned for September 6th (Labor Day). Mark your calendar now! Tickets are available after church: Adults: $8 Children 4-12: $4 3 or younger: FREE Family: $30 Ticket questions contact the church office. It is important we get a head count soon so we have…

Update from Session Concerning Masks

Dear Beloved Members of Liberty, The session met on 5/18 and hereby informs the congregation that masks and social distancing are no longer required at Liberty Church PCA. Nevertheless, Liberty Church fully supports anyone who still desires to wear a mask. The session would like to provide the following additional…

Liberty Church Theology & Worship Conference 2020 – October 23-25

Liberty’s second annual Theology & Worship Conference will be this October 23-25. Our guest speaker is Dr. Peter Lillback, President and Professor of Church History and Historical Theology at Westminster Theological Seminary. There will be a lecture Friday night and two lectures and Q&A on Saturday morning. Dr. Lillback will…

September 4 Update from Pastor Nathan

Dear Liberty Church, The Book of Acts teaches us that the disciples, while waiting for Pentecost, were of “one mind” and were “devoting themselves to prayer.” What strikes you as odd about this statement? Perhaps the idea of being of “one mind” is most peculiar, as it is often difficult…