News & Announcements

May 8 Update from Pastor Nathan

Dear Liberty Church, During the next few weeks, I imagine that there will be a whiplash effect on many of us. We may read encouraging reports of COVID-19 and this quarantine, that numbers are plateauing, that businesses can reopen, that vaccines are imminent, and then the very next day, we…

May 1 Update from Pastor Nathan

Dear Liberty Church, As I was reading in my devotional the other day, I came across a familiar passage found in John 5 in which Jesus was teaching the Jews about His authority. Any legal claim in ancient Israel had to be confirmed by two or three witnesses, and thus…

April 24 Update from Pastor Nathan

Dear Liberty Church, As you are all aware, this is certainly a challenging time. In particular, we are realizing how isolation can be quite a soul-shrinking predicament. Rather than promoting being alone for extended periods of time, the Bible conveys the strongest commitment to community; the entirety of Psalm 133…

April 10 Update from Pastor Nathan

Dear Liberty Church, Happy Easter Weekend! Around the world, churches are celebrating Holy Week in a quite unusual manner, and in a way that they never have before. These unprecedented times, however, do not change the importance of what this week symbolizes. Arguably the greatest weekend in the history of…

April 3 Update from Pastor Nathan

Dear Liberty Church, As we continue to persevere during this crisis, I want to draw your attention to words of encouragement given by Jesus to all seven churches in the Book of Revelation (no, I am not discussing Revelation because I think this is the end times!). To these churches,…

March 27 Update from Pastor Nathan

Dear Liberty Church, This quarantine has lasted less than two weeks now; I don’t know about you, but it feels much longer than that! Life has altered unrecognizably for many. Those with children are adjusting to completely new schedules, and embarking on the challenge of homeschooling perhaps for the first…

March 21 Update from Pastor Nathan

Dear Liberty Church, Though COVID-19 continues to change our world, down to our very lives, I would like to remind each of you of the unchanging, eternal Sabbath; tomorrow is still the day that God has set aside for us to focus our hearts and our attention upon Him. We…

Important Update from Pastor Nathan

Dear Liberty Church, When we moved to Liberty Church a little over a year ago, I never would have expected to cancel Sunday worship due to snow, but it happened! I definitely never imagined canceling Sunday worship due to COVID-19, but sadly, that too will happen. This Sunday, March 22nd,…

Christmas Events at Liberty 2019

Mark your calendar! Join us for these special events at Liberty this Christmas season: Christmas Concert Sunday, December 8th 6:00 PM Christmas Eve Candlelight Service Tuesday, December 24th 6:00 PM

Liberty Church Theology & Worship Conference 2019 – November 1-3

Liberty’s very first Theology & Worship Conference will be this November 1-3. Our guest speaker is Dr. Jonathan Gibson, Associate Professor of Old Testament at Westminster Theological Seminary. He will be teaching us about worship in the Old and New Testaments, as well as worship since the Reformation. There will…