News & Announcements

August 21 Update from Pastor Nathan

Dear Liberty Church, This upcoming Sunday we begin our new morning sermon series in the Book of Acts, and I cannot think of a better book for us to study during this time of COVID. The entire world has been confronted with questions about the nature and legitimacy of church,…

July 31 Update from Pastor Nathan

Dear Liberty Church, As we come near to the end of the Gospel of Luke during our Sunday morning worship, we also come to the first Sunday of the month of August, and in case some of us have forgotten, this is when we traditionally have had the Lord’s Supper.…

July 24 Update from Pastor Nathan

Dear Liberty Church, Recently, many speakers, organizations, and publications have been calling for more “positive thinking” during this time of COVID and civil unrest. This notion of ‘positivity’ will probably only increase (especially since there is an exorbitant amount of negativity in the news and media), and there is nothing…

July 17 Update from Pastor Nathan

Dear Liberty Church, As we continue in our study of Luke (one that has lasted nearly 20 months!), we arrive this upcoming Sunday to a very important passage. All of the person and work of Jesus Christ is crucial in God’s redemptive plan – His incarnation, His active obedience (fulfillment…

June 5 Update from Pastor Nathan

Dear Liberty Church, As we prepare to reopen our doors for Sunday worship, for the first time in three months, I want to ask that together we pray a specific type of prayer: a prayer of protection. This is certainly an apt prayer for our times. There are many in…

May 29 Update from Pastor Nathan

Dear Liberty Church, It is exciting to announce that we are moving forward with in-person Sunday morning worship services starting (hopefully) June 7th at 10:45am. This is long-awaited, and though there are still serious concerns regarding COVID-19 in our area, we must balance this with another serious concern, which is…

May 16 Update from Pastor Nathan

Dear Liberty Church, Last week in my update to you all, I wrote that we would likely experience some whiplash from the back and forth concerning reopening; boy, did that come true this week! In what seemed like a sudden move, Maryland began to reopen much of the state this…

May 8 Update from Pastor Nathan

Dear Liberty Church, During the next few weeks, I imagine that there will be a whiplash effect on many of us. We may read encouraging reports of COVID-19 and this quarantine, that numbers are plateauing, that businesses can reopen, that vaccines are imminent, and then the very next day, we…

May 1 Update from Pastor Nathan

Dear Liberty Church, As I was reading in my devotional the other day, I came across a familiar passage found in John 5 in which Jesus was teaching the Jews about His authority. Any legal claim in ancient Israel had to be confirmed by two or three witnesses, and thus…

April 24 Update from Pastor Nathan

Dear Liberty Church, As you are all aware, this is certainly a challenging time. In particular, we are realizing how isolation can be quite a soul-shrinking predicament. Rather than promoting being alone for extended periods of time, the Bible conveys the strongest commitment to community; the entirety of Psalm 133…